The COVID-19 pandemic presents unique challenges for people with substance use disorders (SUDs) and people in recovery. SOME offers comprehensive treatment options that empower adults to break the bonds of addiction, reunite with their families, and rejoin their communities. SOME’s Addictions Treatment staff successfully provided additional opportunities for clients to be engaged onsite, as well as virtually.
On April 21st, SOME held its first SUD graduation since the COVID-19 pandemic began for a record-breaking number of 34 adults who completed SOME’s Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Program.
“The average graduating class is usually around 28-30. Our goal was to ensure clients had no barriers to attending Zoom AA/NA meetings as well as telehealth appointments, so tech support was readily available to help,” shared Jason Ginevan, SOME’s Vice President for Addiction Treatment, during the virtual ceremony.
“The staff team was diligent in maintaining safety while keeping the program running as close to normal as possible. They have done a phenomenal job and the clients have responded well and embraced the adjustments throughout the year.”
Father John Adams gave the opening prayer for the graduation and SOME President and CEO Ralph Boyd and Cathy Batson, SOME Program Director at Leland Place, both gave the graduates words of inspiration and encouragement for accomplishing such a great feat during a time of uncertainty.
SOME offers addiction treatment in individual and group settings. For more information, click here or call (202) 797-8806.