This past Friday, SOME opened its new Senior Center inside of its Karin House Property in Walter Reed. The center is a welcome addition to the community, providing enriching wellness, recreational, and supportive services to seniors.
The Senior Center is one of two centers operated by SOME in wards 4 and 8, both of which are committed to providing seniors with a wide range of services. These services include fitness classes, health and wellness seminars, senior advocacy workgroups, and community trips to museums, national parks, and shopping centers. To ensure that seniors have access to healthy and nutritious meals, lunch is provided daily from 1-2pm.
SOME is confident that this new center will provide the same level of quality care and support that the organization is known for. We’re extremely excited to welcome seniors to this new location! It is a testament to SOME’s commitment to helping people experiencing homelessness in DC. This center will continue to further our mission and provide critical services.