Staff Spotlight: Linette Woods

SOME is committed to the personal and professional development of our people at all levels of the organization. This includes skill development, subject matter learning, cultural and DEI training, leadership development, and succession planning.

A fully developed, optimized and culturally competent talent base further advances our efforts to create meaningful impact for the individuals and families we serve, as well as the systemic change we seek. The development of our staff extends to recognizing employees who go above and beyond the duties and responsibilities of their job in order to better serve clients, staff, and the community.

Linette Woods Single Adult Housing Program Staff Spotlight

Linette Woods, Single Adult Housing Program Manager, Marian’s House

This February, SOME is delighted to recognize Linette Woods, an exceptional employee who truly lives the mission of SOME through her daily work. As a program manager at Marian’s House, Linette is responsible for creating programming and activities to engage residents in areas of interest and goal development. Marian’s House is a part of SOME’s Affordable Housing continuum and is home to 42 single adults earning no more than 30% family median income (FMI).

Marian’s House has encountered multiple challenges relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these challenges include maintaining and sustaining employment, sobriety of residents, and food insecurity. Despite these roadblocks, Linette’s diligence has led to residents receiving unemployment assistance and social security assistance; a 100% return to work rate (for residents who lost their jobs during the pandemic), and a practically non-existent delinquent and prepaid resident report.

Linette also secured $85,000 in rental assistance for Marian’s House residents and supported other SOME teams in finding and obtaining pandemic funding resources for their clients.

Belinda Johnson, Chief Program Officer of Single Adult Housing, elaborated on this point, sharing that “Originally, Linette had volunteered to fill in as the Program Manager, for a program that desperately needed the support. She secured STAY DC funding for that program, created, and ran groups, and, brought life back into the building. Linette represents the epitome of what it means to be a team player! Her honest, sincere, and steady approach to work has greatly benefited SAH and we are lucky to have her.”

Linette said, “I truly do the work because I love it,” said Linette. “I would also to thank my current supervisor, Belinda Johnson, and my previous supervisor, Leora Ibraheem, who always tell me that I am a leader and model how great leadership inspires all members of the team.”

Linette was also recently recognized as employee of the quarter in Q4! Without Linette and the wonderful team in Single Adult Housing, SOME would not be able to provide the services it provides for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

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