High School Junior Creates Summer Care Packages for SOME Residents

Anais Buron Care Packages Basic Needs Volunteer SpotlightThere is no age limit on making a life-changing difference in your community. Anaïs Buron, a high school junior, enjoyed a busy summer making 70 care packages for our SOME residents.

Anaïs learned about our need for care packages in the SOME newsletter. The care packages include hats, water bottles, sunglasses, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste, lotion, sunscreen, razors, and shaving cream.

Anaïs and her mother have been involved with SOME for several years, running in the annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger 5K. In addition to running the Trot, Anaïs also participated in a baking project with her friend where they baked desserts weekly and delivered them to SOME.

“The project (care packages) looked fun. I like helping people experiencing homelessness. I emailed my neighborhood listserv to ask for donations of any of the care package items. I then emailed my extended family also asking for donations. I collected the items over two weeks. Some members of my family sent money to buy some of the items that people might not have. After figuring out what I had and what I still needed, I went to a few stores to buy the remaining items. Then I assembled the care packages.” – Anaïs Buron

This year, we are very excited to bring the Trot to participants virtually. Trot registration will open up soon, so keep an eye out and make sure to register!

If you are interested in making a donation or working on summer care packages go to SOME.org/Give